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Kytherian Tombstones
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Kalogridi - Kastrisou

KALOGRIDI, Loukia born 1911 to Theodoros KALOGRIDIS and Maria BELOU
Potamos cemetery

KALOGRIDI, Maria born unknown date to unknown parents
Potamos cemetery

KALOGRIDI, Stavroula born 1879 to Panagioitis KALOGRIDIS and Eleni TZANTIOTI
Potamos cemetery

KALOGRIDIS, Georgios born 1894 to Panagiotis KALOGRIDIS and Maria MOULOU
Potamos cemetery

KALOGRIDIS, Ioannis born 1880 to Georgios KALOGRIDIS and Andriana MEGALKONOMOU
Potamos Cemetery

KALOGRIDIS, Nikolaos G. born 1930 to unknown parents
Potamos cemetery

KALOGRIDIS, Panagiotis born about 1927 to Georgios KALOGRIDIS and Efrosini --?--
Potamos cemetery

KALOGRIDIS, Theodoros born 1864 to Michalis FARDOULIS (Kalogridi) and Marigo PSALIDA
Potamos cemetery

KALOKERINOS Emmanouil born unknown date to unknown parents
Karvounades cemetery

KALOKERINOS, Filipos born unknown date to unknown parents
Alexandrades cemetery

KALOKERINOS, Georgios born 1877 to Ioannis KALOKERNOS and Aggeliki KOPANA
Fratsia cemetery

KALOKERINOS, Georgios born unknown date to Panagiotis KALOKERNOS and Erini KOMINOU
Alexandrades cemetery

KALOKERINOS, Ioannis V. born unknown date to unknown parents
Chora cemetery

KALOKERINOS, Ioannis born about 1923 to Themistoklis KALOKERNOS and Maria PAVLAKI
Fratsia cemetery

KALOKERINOS, Panagiotis born 1879 to Christofalos KALOKERNOS and Kiriakoula TZANE
Fratsia cemetery

KALOKERINOS, Stratis born 1901 to Christos KALOKERNOS and Stamatiki RAISI
Fratsia cemetery

KALOKERINOS, Theodosios born unknown date to Panagiotis KALOKERNOS and Erini KOMINOU
Alexandrades cemetery

KALOKERINOU, Fotini born 1875 to Ioannis KALOKERNOS and Aggeliki KOPANA
Dokana cemetery

KALOKERINOU, Kalomira born unknown date to unknown parents
Fratsia cemetery

KALOKERINOU, Stamatoula born 1897 to Dimitrios KALOKERNOS and Maria PETROHILOU
Potamos cemetery

KALOKERNOS, Andreas born 1897 to Dimitrios KALOKERNOS and Maria PETROHILOU
Alexandrades cemetery

KALOKERNOS, Christos born 1869 to Micali CALOCHERNO (Letouras) and Irene CHENDROTIN
Fratsia cemetery

KALOKERNOS, Dimitrios born 1860 to Micali CALOCHERNO (Letouras) and Irene CHENDROTIN
Fratsia cemetery

KALOKERNOS, Georgios born about 1924 to Themistoklis KALOKERNOS and Maria PAVLAKI
Fratsia cemetery

KALOKERNOS, Ioannis born 1861 to Micali CALOCHERNO (Letouras) and Irene CHENDROTIN
Fratsia cemetery

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