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Are you having trouble tracing your Kytherian ancestry? We are here to help you locate records of your ancestors born in Kythera or compile a full family tree for you.

Through our years of research we have built up a rich and diverse Kytherian family history library which we believe is the largest in the world. Our family trees not only include the standard births, death and marriage details, but also other facts we might find about your ancestors.

Examples of some facts that may be found for people in your family tree:

  • birth, death and marriage records for people born more than 100 years ago.

  • brief physical descriptions.

  • engagement dates.

  • dates marriages were approved by the church.

  • cause of death.

  • burial location.

  • occupations.

  • passport applications.

  • travel destinations.

  • number and types of weapons owned.

  • large or small donations to causes and churches in Kythera.

  • arrivals in and departures from Athens.

  • major or trivial newspaper story facts.

  • date of priest ordinations.

  • information found in numerous books about Kythera.

  • Financial contributions to projects in Kythera.

  • Random donations given to various causes.

We also have documents exclusive to Kytherian Genealogy Project and the Kytherian Archives in Kythera. These facts are also included in our family trees and include information such as

  • school enrolments.

  • school results.

  • school absenteeism and truancy.

  • donkey ownership in the 1820s.

  • shipping destinations.

  • shipping crew lists.

Thanks to the work we have done with the Kytherian Genealogy Grave Project and our newspaper social news database we have the most up-to-date death information for Kytherians anywhere in the world and this is still growing everyday.

We also have library of 9000 images. These may be the faces of people, signatures, grave photos, fingerprints or ships people travelled on. These have been sourced from many multiple locations. Hundreds of signatures are exclusive to Kytherian Genealogy Project and the Kytherian Archives in Kythera. If an image has been found for a person, it will be displayed in family trees.

To get started, all we need is the name of your ancestor(s) born on Kythera more than 100 years ago, or married on the island before 1932, and we can compile your family tree. All branches of all wives where a surname can be found will be included, as well as all children for each ancestor. Most family trees date back to the mid 1600s on at least one branch and will include hundreds of people.

All family trees include reports and charts with all facts cited. See below for examples (this is not cited). If you live in Australia, we will send you a bound book that is often between 100-200 pages. If you are overseas, we will send you a pdf file that you can print at your local store.

If you are interested in any of our services fill out the form below and we will give you a quote. We usually respond to emails the same or next day so if you have not received a reply email within a few days please check your junk or spam folders.

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