Theodoros Andronikos born 2 February 1912 in Kousounari to Panagiotis Andronikos and Kiriakoula Kaneli.
Died about 17 December 1935. He was walking to Agios Elftheris on the western side of the island with some friends. At about midday while he was walking, a rock fell from a ledge above and hit him on the head. His friends saw him momentarily shaking then falling down the cliff into the sea and were unable to help him. His body remained in the sea for three days due to the strong sea and the steepness of the cliff. It is unknown if he fell unconscious into the sea and drowned or the blow to the head killed him, but there was no sign of life as he was falling.
Vasilios Kasimatis born 24 December 1903 in Portalamianika to Emmanouil Kasimatis and Antonitsa Triarchi
Died June 1923. He served his country in war, probably in Asia Minor. While serving he suffered from pleurisy and peritonitis. After two months of agony he ended his life in a ward at Thessaloniki Hospital.
Stamata Koukouli born 10 December 1864 in Katsoulianika to Dimitrios Koukoulis (Benitis) and Pinelopi Batagiou.
Died 30 June 1894. In the afternoon she went to the family orchard in Platani where she washed various white clothes in the tank. She somehow slipped and fell into the tank and drowned.
Emmanouil Notaras born 1 April 1921 in Frilingianika to Panagiotis Notaras and Erini Kastrisou.
Died 3 July 1925aged only four. He was carried away by a strong gust of wind and fell into an uncovered well and drowned.
Evaggelinos Vaggis born about 1878 to Vretos Vaggis and Kerana Mavrogiorgi.
Died 30 August 1931. He and his young son were fishing with dynamite near Agios Nikolaos when the dynamite accidentally ignited. His body was pulled from the sea and taken to Agia Pelagia. His son was not hurt and later rescued after drifting out to sea.
Zambeta Tambaki born 16 Septembert 1849 in Areoi to Panagiotis Tambakis and Georgia Gavrili.
Died July 1933. There was an accident when trying to pour wine from a barrel. She had forgotten to close the barrel after taking wine. She twisted and fell with her head in the barrel and drowned in the wine.
Giorgiakis Vovos born May 1786 in Potamos to Anastasios Vovos and Eleni.
Died 21 May 1808. He was murdered by his brother-in-law Anastasi Smirli.
Dimitrios Aronis (Viaropooulos) born a twin on 27 September 1859 in Aroniadika to Theodoros Aronis (Viaropoulos) and Vasiliu Aroni.
Died July 1930. His body was recovered from a well. It is believed he committed suicide as his shoes, cap and cane were found near the well. The day before he had gone to Potamos where he filed a complaint against a villager and had quarrelled with police. He had attempted suicide the same way when he was 27 years old but was rescued.
Vretos Koronis born 28 April 1874 in Viaradika to Stavrianos Koronis and Sofoula Kontoleon.
Died 21 July 1929 at 1am. He been in Athens to collect 50,000 drachmae in money. He was travelling on the steamhip Lakonia, possibly returning to Kythera, and was caught by a strong wind. He was thrown into the sea. This was witnessed by other passenger who notified the captain immediatley. He cut the sails and returned for him. They searched for a long time, but the strong winds would have swept him away quickly.
Dimitrios Belesis born 29 December 1773 to Signor Dimitri Bellesi and Andriana.
Died 21 July 1805. He was executed for the murders during the anarchy. He had previously been accused of murdering noblemen during the peasant uprising. In about May 1804 he was caught in Constantinople and taken in chains to Corfu for his crime.
Erini Kominou born 14 November 1827 in Kominianika to Nikolaos Komios and Stamata Mullo.
Died 31 October 1840. She was found hanging from an olive tree. It was not mentioned whether it was intentional or an accident.
Polichronis Mavromatis born 13 October 1850 in Gouria to Antonios Mavromatis (Benetos) and Stavriani Souri.
Died 21 May 1923 at 4pm. He was riding his horse near Lagadi to collect firewood. His horse died while being ridden and fell and Polichronis died instantly when he hit his head on a sharp rock.
Assorted Kytherian newspapers
Kytherian church registers