Kytherian Genealogy Project by Amalia and Kalie
SINCE 1996
Kythera, often spelled as Kythira, Kithira or Cythera, is one of the Ionian Islands located in Greece. There are many surnames that are exclusive to the island, such as Cassimatis, Coroneos, Aroney, Kalligeros, Prineas, Castrissios and many, many others. Located between Kythera and Crete is a small island called Antikythera.
Sometimes known as Cerigo (Tsirigo), Kythera, along with Kerkyra (Corfu), has the oldest continual and most complete registry records in all of Greece. Kytherian Genealogy Project have spent well over a decade reading and translating these documents and sharing their knowledge of Kytherian and Antikytherian family history with the world.
Specialists in
Kytherian Genealogy Project by Amalia & Kalie is the brainchild of Amalia Samios and Kalie Zervos.
They have been sharing their knowledge and passion with Kytherians of the world including Greece, the United States, Canada, South Africa, Singapore, England, Ireland and Australia.
Kalie's passion for genealogy was spurred on by her late aunt. Whilst in Kythera in 1996 Kalie discovered the treasures in the Kytherian archives and actively commenced her family tree research.
Amalia started her family tree in 2009 with her English grandmothers' family tree. This inspired her passion for family history. Amalia moved on to her Kytherian ancestry and she joined forces with Kalie in 2012.
From this, the Kytherian Genealogy Project by Amalia & Kalie was born.
Amalia and Kalie have given insightful talks at the Symposium of Kytheraismos in Sydney in 2014 and Brisbane in 2019. Also in Brisbane in 2019 they conducted one-on-one workshop sessions at the Symposium of Kytheriasmos. In 2014 Amalia and Kalie conducted two seminars at the Kytherian Association of Australia and until 2018 conducted the Kytherian Genealogy Club. They conducted a radio conversation on 1683am Hellenic Radio in late 2023.
Collectively they have devoted over 50,000 hours sourcing, researching, reading and translating Kytherian records and now have possibly the largest library for Kytherian family history in the world at their disposal.